
How To Guide – Downloading HMRC Income Documents

Here’s a quick and handy guide to downloading the HMRC Income ‘Tax Calculations’ (also known as a SA302) and ‘Tax Year Overviews’ to illustrate your self-employed income and/or landlord property income.

What Is A Tax Calculation (SA302)?

Your Tax Calculation (SA302) is an overview of your income in differing categories for a given financial year ending 5th April.  It shows any salary or dividends, your land and property earnings, pension income and income from shares, savings and/or investments.  Basically, it shows your self-employed income in a simple one-page format per year.

How Do I Download These Documents?

HMRC provide the information online which means it’s readily available to download.  Your accountant may well be able to download these for you also, or may have Tax Computations of their own they can send together with Tax Year Overviews – however if you wish or require to do it yourself, please follow the below instructions.



1. Head here www.gov.uk/log-in-register-hmrc-online-services
2. You’ll need to click on ‘Sign in’ or ‘Register for HMRC Online Services’.
3. Sign in using your Government Gateway login details.
4. Go to Self Assessment – if you are only registered for Self Assessment, you may automatically be redirected to this page.
5. Follow the link ‘tax return options’.
6. Choose the year from the drop-down menu and select the ‘Go’ button.
7. Select the ‘View return’ button.
8. Follow the link ‘view calculation’.
9. Follow the link ‘view/print/store your return onto your local drive’.
10. Follow the link ‘Save’ under A black and white HTML copy of your return.
11. Click ‘Save’

This may appear differently on mobile and should you have any issues, please give the team a call.


What Is A Tax Year Overview?

Your Tax Year Overview (or TYO) simply shows the tax paid in any given year and should correlate with your Tax Calculation (SA302) for the corresponding year.

How Do I Download These Documents?



1. Head to www.gov.uk/log-in-register-hmrc-online-services.
2. You’ll need to click on ‘Sign in’ or ‘Register for HMRC Online Services’.
3. Sign in using your Government Gateway login details.
4. Select ‘Self Assessment’ – if you are only registered for Self Assessment then you may be automatically redirected to this.
5. Follow the link ‘view account’.
6. Follow the link ‘tax years’.
7. Choose the year from the drop-down menu and select the ‘Go’ button.
8. Follow the link ‘Print your tax year overview’.
9. Select ‘Save as PDF’ and ‘Save’.
10. Repeat for any other years you require.

This may look different on mobile but if you have any issues, give the team a call and we can help.